A play on real-life stories of end of life patients, their families, and the medical staff. Ticket link to be updated soon.
Vyoma Artspace, J.P. NagarA play on real-life stories of end of life patients, their families, and the medical staff. Ticket link to be updated soon.
Alliance Francaise, Vasanth NagarFor Corporates
We conduct innovative and experiential workshops using tools of Applied theatre and Expressive Arts, to create impactful and transformational learning sessions for organizations. The sessions help people develop life skills and enable them to play to their true potential.
Entertaining, Experiential and Reflective.
Our performances let you sit back and enjoy while also making you look inwards and introspect. Our performances cover the range from Improv & Interactive theatre to scripted performances with original stories.
First Drop Theatre © 2019 All rights reserved